November 20, 2022

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Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Cute. Not sure how they got the head so snugly aligned with the fence without obviously securing it from the other side.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

I was thinking she(?) pushed her head through, but it feels too tight to back out.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

Gruesome. 😀

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

“Ooooooooh yes; keep licking my ear – there; that’s the spot…”

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Looks like it would be a real step down for most of us to have to live there.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

I know, huh?? I would suffer through it, though.
It is really beautiful!

Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Wow. An Art Nouveau designer’s dream fulfilled. They all wanted a client with those deep pockets.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Hannon House / Hotel
Brussels, Belgium
Soon to be a museum in 2023.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

Oh… I was just reading about it, before I saw your post.

It was designed as a residence by the Belgian architect Jules Brunfaut, a friend of Édouard Hannon, the owner.

Brunfaut was previously unaccustomed to working in the Art Nouveau style, as requested by Hannon.

He seems to have done a great job!

The beautiful fresco in the stairwell is the work of the painter Paul Albert Baudouin.

Last edited 1 year ago by SusanSunshine
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

I guess it deserves to be a museum. At least it is preserved that way. Too bad that kind of craftsmanship is out of reach these days.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

I have to send this to my friend who thinks all bears are cute and cuddly…

Reply to  JP Steve
1 year ago

The doctor said “Say Ahh”.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Stay away from his trash can.

Bear-Proof Garbage Bin.jpg
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Photographer: Gary Randall
Bears are cute and cuddly; as long as you leave them alone.

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

That’s it? No location? Someplace like Budapest?
Please don’t tell me it’s in the Ukraine. Or Myanmar.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

By Lorenzo Quinn.
It was in Venice, Italy.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

You don’t even have to ride the express.
As a side note, years ago my dad had a business trip to Morocco. He said there were essentially no cars on the road there that had fender bender type damage. The driving there was such that the car was either in an accident, or it wasn’t.
I still have some of the sharks’ teeth he collected at the mine site he was at.


Kohler Marrakesh.PNG
Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

Five grand for a sink…

and how much to replace that … I don’t know what to call it… that ceramic chute or spillway that the water drops into from the faucet… when it inevitably breaks.

And if that happens 20 years from now, it won’t be available… I suppose you could remove it and find a faucet that actually reaches the sink…

or are we supposed to consider a $5,000 sink replaceable anyway, and not mind?

Yes, I know, we’re supposed to be careful and never break it… but things happen.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

And just think of how much a pain in the butt it would be to keep the inside of that little spout clean. You would need a long handle Q-Tip to get all the way in that tight (for my fat fingers) space.
Elegant, if you have someone else cleaning your bathroom. 😀

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

There really needs to be a caveat attached to that sign: “while carrying a turkey.”

1 year ago

GoComix is still down as of 9:15 PM PT.

Famed Member
Reply to  dennisinseattle
1 year ago

I emailed them, they do not respond during non business hours, bet they don’t even know it is not working!

1 year ago

Apologies to those who hate to hear Christmas music before Thanksgiving, but this song is occupying my mind. Perhaps brought on by sitting in a doctor’s office where modern Christmas music was playing (but not this song).

Famed Member
1 year ago

GoComics is still down at 03:30 hrs. E.S.T.
I’m wondering now if the site was hit by cyber vandals.
It seems a bit long for a maintenance shut-down.
And now…back to bed (I’ve been fighting a cold for the last four days / yes, definitely a cold / my first one in four years / I got that resistance from Dad ) which is why I’m up at this hour.

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

I emailed them, they do not respond during non business hours, bet they don’t even know it is not working!

Famed Member
1 year ago

I’m betting that it’s not maintenance affecting the GoComics site but an “upgrade” (as I said in my post yesterday, I put that in quotation marks because they’re usually not, IMHO)…

or even a site overhaul, such as when they changed the format in order to add nested replies, or added likes.

Shutting down the site for anywhere from a few hours to a few days has been their method of accomplishing these changes in the past.

Probably the biggest one was a few years ago when they were calling it the “new” site, and changed all our subscriber numbers, and links to their blogs, making old bookmarks not work.

I don’t recall any previous cyber attacks or vandalism on GoComics… but on other sites such things, as well as DoS attacks, are usually dealt with pretty quickly.

They did have a few DNS problems, at one point… or maybe that was

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I see that McMeel’s Puzzle site is up at 7:35 EST, but GC & FarSide remain down.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I emailed them, they do not respond during non business hours, bet they don’t even know it is not working!

Famed Member
Reply to  bambushie
1 year ago

Thanks…but I’m betting that they DO know, and are doing it on purpose.

BTW…. we all read everybody else’s replies.

Don’t you?

I hope you’ve not been skipping them because they’re addressed to someone else.

We share.

Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

Ya, i do, i wonder if anyone ever reads mine, as I rarely get a response!

Famed Member
Reply to  Jay
1 year ago

You’re getting a response right now, Jay.
I think this is the first time I’ve seen a comment of yours under “Jay”.
Are you changing your avatar name?

Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

no, i was on my tablet and it would not log me in!

Famed Member
Reply to  Jay
1 year ago

I read ’em all! 😀

Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
1 year ago

thanks, LOL

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I have not received my daily comics email the past two days. So not only is the site not up, but the whole operation is off-line. There has been no communication from them that I have seen; no announcements, no advance notice of an upgrade. Methinks there is trouble in Paradise.
And, they just processed my annual subscription. There’s $14.99 I won’t get back.😉

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

I’m not worried… Except maybe about what they’re doing to the site this time.

They have NEVER given warnings…

not when they’re going to ban you, not when they’re making changes, except for a few highly touted “improvements” that weren’t…

and even then, the specific time or date were never mentioned…. and never when they’ve shut down the site.

It just happens.

They simply come back online, and never say “sorry the site was down”…

And rarely, “look at what we changed.”

Also, they just had a big survey, to find out, supposedly, what site users liked.

That may be the basis of what they’re doing now…

Except the questions were inane and unfocused.

I seriously doubt anything that’s happening now is the result of something outside their own clumsy site engineering.

I’m not saying it COULDN’T be, but in my 11 years here, it hasn’t been.

Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I’m now starting to wonder if the problems at a certain ‘Blue Bird’ site that’s currently being tanked and depopulated by an elongated muskrat might have something to do with the problems at ‘Goat Cronics’.

A lot of sites use proxy logins via certain social media platforms these days (“Log In using your XXXXXXX Account”), and as that particular site has just lost a rather large percentage of its backroom experts and staff, and had a number of processes shut down, I’m wondering if something has been inadvertently broken at GC.

Famed Member
Reply to  More_Cats_Than_Sense
1 year ago

AFAIK GoComics has no proxy or backdoor logins, though.

I’m not sure how that could affect it.

Contact with customers is pretty simple and direct at GoComics… accent on simple.

Some things seem way beyond their understanding.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

This was just put up on Facebook……………….

Famed Member
Reply to  perkycat
1 year ago

I did a screen snip of the announcement.
It’s about as informative as “the universe exists”.
GoComics can provide a continuous “status update” if it chose to.
“our system is still down…our system is still down…our system is still down….our system is still down…………..”

00 gocomics down announcment.PNG
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

Thanks for the screen grab.

Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

Something still might have been affected if a service they use is connected to something else that’s failed. The legend “The requested service is temporarily unavailable” says to me that a connected service had broken, rather than the main server being upgraded/down.

Famed Member
Reply to  More_Cats_Than_Sense
1 year ago

True… but the message found by Perkycat on Facebook says “our systems are down”.

I’m not sure any of these messages are to be taken literally.

Ah well… it’s all just a guessing game till we see what it looks like when it’s back on line.

If everything is the same as before, it was probably broken.

If there were changes… especially big ones… they probably closed it down to work on it.

The recent user survey is the reason I’m betting on the latter… but hey, I’ve got no money riding on it.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I thought Gocomics used the Windows(R) model for their upgrades. Loud trumpeting about how unbelievably great the new model was going to be followed by crushing disappointment when we find how much worse they’ve made everything…

Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
1 year ago

Like “XP” to “Vista”?

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  mr_sherman
1 year ago

Or even 8 to 10 to 11…

Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
1 year ago

One of those is why i’m on an AirBook.

Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
1 year ago

I liked windows 7, though.

I guess the odds are that every now and then they have to get it right.

Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

We have chocolate-ics here (alcohol and alcoholics not alcoholoholics) so this should please them, too.
From: .
The Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cookbook (Reader’s Digest Edition) .
By: Zoe Coulson.
Published by: Hearst Books New York (1980) .
ISBN 0-87851=037-0.
“Peanut Butter Fudge”
3 cups sugar
1 cup milk (whole milk — 3.25% milk fat)
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
2 squares unsweetened chocolate
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (real not artificial)
1 cup chopped salted peanuts

1   In 3-quart saucepan over medium heat, heat sugar, milk, corn syrup and chocolate to boiling, stirring constantly. Wash crystals from pan side with damp pastry brush.
2   Set candy thermometer in place and continue cooking mixture, stirring occasionally, until temperature reaches 238° F. (soft ball stage).
3   Remove pan from heat; add peanut butter and vanilla. Cool, without stirring, to 110° F., or until outside of saucepan feels lukewarm.
4   Meanwhile, butter 8″ by 8″ pan. With spoon, beat until the mixture becomes thick and begins to lose its gloss.
5   Quickly stir in chopped peanuts until evenly mixed. Pour into pan. (Don’t scrape saucepan; mixture on side may be sugary.)
6   Cool peanut butter fudge in pan; when the fudge has cooled completely, cut into small even-sized squares with a sharp knife.


Famed Member
Reply to  nighthawks
1 year ago

It’s still rice awareness and pepper month too.

Spanish Rice Peppers.PNG
Famed Member
1 year ago

I’d think that silly customer would know without asking whether his coffee cup was bottomless….

I mean, it’s not pouring out all over the table, is it?

I don’t blame Cleo at all.

BTW… I have discovered, through many years of observation, that your average waiter or waitress is not going to find jokes about that sort of thing particularly humorous.

Don’t ask me who I was observing actually attempting to make that sort of jokes.

That includes pointing out the ends on their “endless french fries” or especially, my favorite… asking why the chicken is only half fried.

At In ‘n Out burger, a sign says “We’ve been cooking our fries in vegetable oil since 1947” (or some year.)

There are people who would enjoy asking the counter person why those French fries aren’t done, after more than 50 years…. but please don’t ask me which people, specifically.

I might have to lie, in the interest of preserving my dignity.

I have precious little of it as it is.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

So maybe that’s where the “The fries are done” scene in “UHF” derives from.

Famed Member
Reply to  Tigressy
1 year ago

Never saw it.

Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

Look it up. Slapstick. 🙂

Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

I think I would ask why they haven’t changed the oil.

Famed Member
Reply to  Liverlips McCracken
1 year ago

I’m sure I… I mean, I’m sure somebody has… that person, you know, I was talking about…

… or more likely, just asked whether or not they ever did.

Or maybe said, sympathetically, “it must be a pain when it’s your turn to change the oil.”

Empathy is so important.

Last edited 1 year ago by SusanSunshine
Famed Member
1 year ago

ohhhh… i so love a bottomless cup of coffee!

but NOT the way Cleo is serving it!

Famed Member
Reply to  MontanaLady
1 year ago

Famed Member
1 year ago

I’m sure Cleo really enjoyed that! Hopefully, the customer learned a lesson. (probably not)

Famed Member
1 year ago

82nd Street and Hague Road
Indanapolis, Indiana, Sunday, October 17th, 2021 / 12:32:07 by the dash cam clock.



Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

#*&@!!! I’m glad the pedestrian wasn’t hurt.

Last edited 1 year ago by mr_sherman
Famed Member
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago


Liverlips McCracken
Liverlips McCracken
Reply to  Alexikakos
1 year ago

Nice shot! Must be a billiards player.

Famed Member
1 year ago

Past noon on the west coast and still no GoComics. I’m betting that they were planing on being down just over the weekend.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  happyhappyhappy
1 year ago

Gocomics, plan? Does not compute…

Reply to  happyhappyhappy
1 year ago

Not sure it was planned; most sites would announce the schedule on their frontpage. Most sites……….

Famed Member
1 year ago

Years ago, went to IHOP with a coworker for lunch. They have both the bottomless carafes of coffee and a variety of syrups in containers that look very similar to the coffee. As we were talking, she poured more coffee, oops syrup into her cup.

Next time we went, she poured more syrup, oops coffee onto her pancakes.

Famed Member
Reply to  Saucy1121
1 year ago

Don’t get into her car and let her drive you!

The coffee pitcher is several times the size of the syrup ones, and in my IHOP, not located in the little rack they occupy.

Just like the gas pedal is way bigger than the brake pedal, and in a different location.

JP Steve
Famed Member
Reply to  SusanSunshine
1 year ago

Not my little Honda Fit. They have the cutestt little toy brake and gas pedals ever. I have no problems pressing both at once with my size thirteens!

Famed Member
Reply to  JP Steve
1 year ago

The new “Honda Duzentfit.”

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