Today’s Songs:
1. ‘Who’ll Stop The Rain,’ 2. ‘Wild World,’ 3. ‘Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow,’ and 4. ‘Windy,’and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe 5. ‘Cheddar Scalloped Potatoes.’
1. John Fogerty himself has different versions of what this song was inspired by. He does not own the rights to it.
2. At the beginning of the video, Cat Stevens say the song is about himself.
3. Lyrics by Gerry Goffin, music by Carole King. It was banned by some radio stations because it was sexually charged.
4. ‘The Association’ was the opening band at Monterey.
5. Use the second oven rack for the first baking (top rack is first). The recipe omits dotting each layer of potatoes with butter and a light sprinkling of flour. One cup of milk (use whole milk 3.25% milk fat) won’t be enough. The milk should just top the layers. The 90 minute first baking can be used without any problem if you top the potatoes as above. The scallions won’t cook in ten minutes baking time, so use the broiler and keep a steady eye on them after three minutes (they’ll probably be done by then but every oven is different).
The Shirelles video is kind of funny. The shots of the legs and butts are familiar to us today, but in those costumes nothing was revealed! What am I missing?
I was working on a “Welcome Home” sign for StelBel (I think; it was too big for a birthday card) when I received a call from Candi. From the hospital. She spoke coherently and in a clear voice, laughing and happy and that she had heard I’ve sent her something, but hasn’t received it yet. I didn’t tell her what to not spoil the surprise…
Happy Thanksgiving; that dream already made me happy.
Oh, Leslie.
Such sad news.
I remember so well the excitement and love you expressed when you brought her to her forever home.
Trying to figure out her forever name.
Your watching her, and you telling us here (and elsewhere) of her antics and boundless energy.
And your love for her.
They are with us for just a moment, it seems. And they leave oh so large of a damned hole in our lives when they leave us.
But, it is life, and it is the price of love.
Deep Peace.
So sorry for you, Happy. She knew she was loved (as did Sweetheart). You did all you could and loving sometimes means letting go. Despite the pain, the joy our fur babies give us is worth it.
Giant turkey from Mars attacks 6th Avenue!
Film at 11!
The next parade wasn’t until 1945 due to World War II.
Is it real or is it Rockwell?
Must be real, cos, at least to me, it’s too Russian or Eastern European to be Rockwell.
I agree.
Maybe she’s even a relative of my late FiL – he was Sudeten German and looked quite like her face-wise.
or polish!
my grandma looked just like her!!!
Jabbar vs Chamberlain
Don’t know much about basketball…
But somewhere along the way I picked up a couple of things about these guys:
Both were a little over 7 feet tall. (I think that was a bigger deal then than it is now, cos there are some even taller players now.)
Wilt Chamberlain was already 6 feet tall at ten years old!
Imagine saying “no more chips before dinner” to your petulant six foot 4th grader.
And though lean, he weighed 275 to 300 pounds during his later basketball career.
Oh yeah… While he was known as a nice guy, there was that little claim he made, concerning 2,000 women.
And he and Kareem disliked each other.
A lot.
It was largely political…
Kareem was a leftist, a philanthropist, and an activist for Black causes…
Wilt was a Republican pal and supporter of Richard Nixon, who disavowed Black activism.
Jule Ferat
The Great Eastern. Decades ahead of her time!
The caption below comes from HERE.
English: An illustration from Jules Verne’s novel “A Floating City” (1869) drawn by Jules Férat.
Unfortunately, my library doesn’t have a copy.
Phoenix, AZ
i needed your help!
Yes, in a way.
Took a moment 😁.
Wow. I saw it!
…you read the stripes (I didn’t get it).
I love you! Gimme a hug!
1. ‘Who’ll Stop The Rain,’ 2. ‘Wild World,’ 3. ‘Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow,’ and 4. ‘Windy,’and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe 5. ‘Cheddar Scalloped Potatoes.’
1. John Fogerty himself has different versions of what this song was inspired by. He does not own the rights to it.
2. At the beginning of the video, Cat Stevens say the song is about himself.
3. Lyrics by Gerry Goffin, music by Carole King. It was banned by some radio stations because it was sexually charged.
4. ‘The Association’ was the opening band at Monterey.
5. Use the second oven rack for the first baking (top rack is first). The recipe omits dotting each layer of potatoes with butter and a light sprinkling of flour. One cup of milk (use whole milk 3.25% milk fat) won’t be enough. The milk should just top the layers. The 90 minute first baking can be used without any problem if you top the potatoes as above. The scallions won’t cook in ten minutes baking time, so use the broiler and keep a steady eye on them after three minutes (they’ll probably be done by then but every oven is different).
The Shirelles video is kind of funny. The shots of the legs and butts are familiar to us today, but in those costumes nothing was revealed! What am I missing?
There’s shiny fringe hanging straight down over the whole dress, so if the skirt clings you can’t see it.
Fringe shimmies and shakes, and never clings.
We’ve needed a new troubadour since July 16, 1981…
I’m still waiting on the antibiotics to work.
I’m expecting the worst. I so hope i’m wrong.
Just hoping for the best, Hap.
I hope so too. 🤞🏼
here’s huge hopes!
I love all those teenage grandpups at the table.
Enjoyed that video of Lola. I could pass on the rest.
A little snort before the in-laws get here.
I had the most wonderful dream last night…
I was working on a “Welcome Home” sign for StelBel (I think; it was too big for a birthday card) when I received a call from Candi. From the hospital. She spoke coherently and in a clear voice, laughing and happy and that she had heard I’ve sent her something, but hasn’t received it yet. I didn’t tell her what to not spoil the surprise…
Happy Thanksgiving; that dream already made me happy.
What a coincidink!
Happy Thanksgiving … to my American, yet nonetheless farflung, Cleo family…
and a happy day, as well, to those of us who live where today is not a holiday …
with thanks to all of you for being part of it.
This takes me back… not all that far, but enough that life seemed different… to when this poster was new.
So I did a little time traveling to reminisce… and decided to bring back my comment from that day, which I preferred to what I was about to write:
Looks like someone… Puritan or not…. knows exactly what it’s going to take to get him through this blessed gathering.
If Cousin William is going to recite every Scripture quote from the last 4 Sunday meetings…
and Cousin Henrietta refuses to sit next to Goody Morrison…
and Brother Hamilton is going to complain about the sinful color of Brother Frederick’s new garb…
And Goody Edwards will bring those @#$!-nable preserved turnips of hers….
Surely the Lord will forgive a man a small dose of Holy water to keep his thoughts from becoming unholy.
And make him truly grateful for the heaven sent kibble he receives.
Happy Thanksgiving, America.
Enjoy your family, friends, and
QTπ died this morning.
She was in bed with me and Buddy.
Thank you all for the well wishes and financial help.
Oh, no.
Hang in there, the others need you too.
I’m so sorry.
But she had a good life since you’d adopted her.
Shame on the shelter for not knowing about her condition.
so sorry, Hap!
I’m so sorry, this is the hardest I know!
may you be blessed with fond memories!
Oh, Leslie.
Such sad news.
I remember so well the excitement and love you expressed when you brought her to her forever home.
Trying to figure out her forever name.
Your watching her, and you telling us here (and elsewhere) of her antics and boundless energy.
And your love for her.
They are with us for just a moment, it seems. And they leave oh so large of a damned hole in our lives when they leave us.
But, it is life, and it is the price of love.
Deep Peace.
Leslie, it’s a sad sad sad day for you and all of us who have come to love QT pi through you. Hang in there.
😪 😢 Maybe she can meet up with Max and the two of them can swap stories. 😰
I am so sad for you. Forty years on and I still cry over my old dog.
Same here…
So sorry for you, Happy. She knew she was loved (as did Sweetheart). You did all you could and loving sometimes means letting go. Despite the pain, the joy our fur babies give us is worth it.
So sorry!
You gave her love and a good home, and did more than what was expected in her last hours.
She knew that, you can be sure.
Take care.