It’s been a while, but iv’e seen that.
My best and i went out on the Presidio and down to Point Fort.
The last masonry fort built in the US.
It commanded the mouth to the bay during the civil war.
The man that designed the bridge demanded that the fort be preserved and made sure that the bridge cleared the fort.
Um…. no doubt just a typo, but I think you might want to make that “Fort Point”?
Interesting thing about the Fort… while it stood armed and ready all during the Civil War, it never actually fired a shot at an enemy.
The South never attacked the west coast.
There was one planned attack but it was called off just in time, when the Confederate soldiers finally found out the war had been over for months.
News didn’t travel fast in the 1860s.
Also IIRC, the original commander at Fort Point quit when the Civil War started, because he went home (to I think Kentucky) to join the Confederate Army.
You are right. I had the name wrong.
I had it in my mind that it was built on fort point, but it was Point Fort.
I have been thinking that for years. I’m glad i got that right now. 🙂
What you have is probably right. It’s my laptop that is the problem, i think. They come in, but they don’t make it out.
The reason i don’t check them much more any more is that it’s mostly junk anyway.
Its title is “Doveriye” in Russian (in translation “Trust”) and it’s in Kazan, Russian.
Apparently the locals dress them warmly for winter.
I cannot find the sculptor’s name.
The question being is that a “O” (zero) or an “0”. Because of the spacing, many states use the same shape and rely on the State’s pattern to make the determination.
I looked as well, but nothing.
It was taken at the latest in 2012 so the state’s plate format could have changed as has California’s.
As you said, it could be “private citizen being funny”.
(except happy³ because you posted the video and know about it)
Click on the “YouTube” link in the video (you may have to put up with a commercial) and then read the history of this video that appears in the gray box under David Hoffman’s name.
The link to the full 55 minute documentary within that history is still active.
Today’s Songs:
‘Sweet Pea,’ ‘Sylvia’s Mother,’ ‘Sympathy For The Devil,’ and ‘Ta Paidia Tou Piraia,’ and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe ‘Braised Leek & Feta.’
He’s lip syncing and so is she; cute video though.
We’ve had this and opined before; it turns out it is in fact based on a real event; Sylvia became a museum curator in Mexico City.
Having actually read the lyrics for the first time, the title doesn’t mean what it implies.
You’ll recognize it.
I’d rinse, trim, and slice not trim slice and rinse but I guess either way works (tomorrow zucchini).
With all those Lebkuchen around for months now? – I’ll pass. Out.
We are lucky to have an outlet of high quality Lebkuchen (Schmidt) about five minutes from here. On foot.
Thinking about that kibble truck, are we?
Don’t get any 💡 ideas!
“Hey, you got any more of those?”
“Fog’s rolling in.”
It’s been a while, but iv’e seen that.
My best and i went out on the Presidio and down to Point Fort.
The last masonry fort built in the US.
It commanded the mouth to the bay during the civil war.
The man that designed the bridge demanded that the fort be preserved and made sure that the bridge cleared the fort.
Um…. no doubt just a typo, but I think you might want to make that “Fort Point”?
Interesting thing about the Fort… while it stood armed and ready all during the Civil War, it never actually fired a shot at an enemy.
The South never attacked the west coast.
There was one planned attack but it was called off just in time, when the Confederate soldiers finally found out the war had been over for months.
News didn’t travel fast in the 1860s.
Also IIRC, the original commander at Fort Point quit when the Civil War started, because he went home (to I think Kentucky) to join the Confederate Army.
You are right. I had the name wrong.
I had it in my mind that it was built on fort point, but it was Point Fort.
I have been thinking that for years. I’m glad i got that right now. 🙂
Just a note… I didn’t want to correct you,
but I thought it was just a typo.
Even so, if I thought you checked it frequently, I’d rather have sent you an email.
But this reminded me that you said months ago that you weren’t getting email at the address I have…
Including the birthday invitations.
I believe you have mine.
If you didn’t get invitations for the last couple of parties, could you update me, please.
Or just say here that your address on my list is ok 😁
What you have is probably right. It’s my laptop that is the problem, i think. They come in, but they don’t make it out.
The reason i don’t check them much more any more is that it’s mostly junk anyway.
So the upshot is, you don’t get your email, party invitations or otherwise?
Or do you get it eventually?
I don’t mean to bug you about this.
It’s just that I try to keep the list updated, not merely for parties, but also to contact, for instance, anybody who goes missiing.
A bit of history (no caption found) and
i’ve seen one like this, in Burbank, CA. this was much later, of course.
Why does that make me want a hot pumpkin spice or chi drink?
Hot cider with Fireball for me. ☺
Its title is “Doveriye” in Russian (in translation “Trust”) and it’s in Kazan, Russian.
Apparently the locals dress them warmly for winter.
I cannot find the sculptor’s name.
Budapest, Hungary
I didn’t find a picture of the squirrel statue, unfortunately, but I did find THIS.
Since it’s hard to believe a police department would be that dumb….
D’ya think it’s just a private citizen being funny?
I googled the license plate number to see whether the type of plate came up…
Instead I found the same picture.
But it’s just posted on somebody’s Flickr account with no comment.
based on the number I believe it’s a California plate.
I thought so too, but our current regular car plates go “number, three letters, three numbers.”
This one has another number instead of the 3rd letter.
I was trying to find out if that’s the format for a California commercial, police, or some other type of license plate.
And of course, it could be from another state with different formats.
The question being is that a “O” (zero) or an “0”. Because of the spacing, many states use the same shape and rely on the State’s pattern to make the determination.
California doesn’t use the letters O or I on license plates for that reason.
Well, I remember they were going to change it so they could be used.
But only as the middle letter of three, in the format 2AOB 777, or 2BIL 777, but I’m not sure whether they did it.
Otherwise any O you see is a zero.
I know some/states use a slash in the zero, or sometimes a wide square-ish O and a skinny oval 0. Or a capital I with serifs vs 1.
But not here.
I looked as well, but nothing.
It was taken at the latest in 2012 so the state’s plate format could have changed as has California’s.
As you said, it could be “private citizen being funny”.
The only changes on California plates have been small details like the color “California” is written in.
The change in 2012 was adding to the plate.
The alphanumeric format has been the same for decades..
Looks fake to me. The black surrounding the white letters doesn’t have the same grain pattern as the rest of the picture.
Yeah, could be photoshopped, too.
For anybody new (ish) to Cleo and Company… the strip this panel was taken from gets referenced a lot, in the lore of Cleo.
She just happens to have a half eaten, huge bag of kibble… And a driverless kibble truck just happens to be in front of the Clifford’s house.
Of course she knows nothing. It’s quite a puzzle.
But that’s NOT the puzzle we’re solving tonight.
The mystery will remain, but meanwhile, you can find nine differences between the panels.
I have to go out for a bit, so I’m trusting you guys with the solution.
Behave yourselves.
Find the differences before you peek…
Or no treats for you!
Found ’em!
whoopie, all nine for a change!!
I found all nine this time.
Got them.
I erred.
I got them all easily for a change.
I managed to find them all in the first two songs.
I got eight. And i’m happy with that!
i got 8! i got 8! 🙂
My roots run through that part of the world.
(except happy³ because you posted the video and know about it)
Click on the “YouTube” link in the video (you may have to put up with a commercial) and then read the history of this video that appears in the gray box under David Hoffman’s name.
The link to the full 55 minute documentary within that history is still active.
7 so far. But Claude, what are you planning to do? Your eyes do not look too pleased.
He’s going to do his very worst… I just know it.
He’s so angry, he’s going to (slightly) raise his voice!
And he’ll give her an almost full-throated “Confound it, Cleo!“
‘Sweet Pea,’ ‘Sylvia’s Mother,’ ‘Sympathy For The Devil,’ and ‘Ta Paidia Tou Piraia,’ and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe ‘Braised Leek & Feta.’
He’s lip syncing and so is she; cute video though.
We’ve had this and opined before; it turns out it is in fact based on a real event; Sylvia became a museum curator in Mexico City.
Having actually read the lyrics for the first time, the title doesn’t mean what it implies.
You’ll recognize it.
I’d rinse, trim, and slice not trim slice and rinse but I guess either way works (tomorrow zucchini).
Wow Sweet Pea, Dr. Hook, great songs! Sympathy for the Devil is another good one. I hadn’t heard the last one before.
I prefer the Blood, Sweat and Tears version of . . . Devil.
With all those Lebkuchen around for months now? – I’ll pass. Out.
We are lucky to have an outlet of high quality Lebkuchen (Schmidt) about five minutes from here. On foot.
You made me learn something! I’m going to have to go to our local sweets shop that imports goodies to look for some.
The place where i get my Stollen.
Thank you everybody for the good wishes on my retirement. I am really savoring this new freedom.
And it is going to be such a sweet ride for ya! Enjoy!
Anybody with “bacon” in their user name has got to be telling the truth. So now I KNOW it’s “going to be a sweet ride”.
Thank you
When I hear the song “Fire”, and always have this version running in my head…
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