October 17, 2023

I have some  news about our  StelBel.

She was moved from the ICU at Boston Gen back to her hometown of Easthampton, Mass. The blood clot in her brain couldn’t be stinted because it was too dispersed .What this  means is she is no longer able to care for herself and is hardly aware of her surroundings. I just talked to her sister who told me that she will most probably have all her property and possessions sold and she will be in a nursing home. the stroke just took it all out of and away from her.

Her sister told me to tell you folks to not lose faith and that with therapy there  is hope for some improvement

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Famed Member
11 months ago

As are many others, I’m devastated by the news. I will continue to pray for a recovery for our dear Stel-Bel. If all the good wishes we send would be enough, she’d make a miraculous rebound.

11 months ago

This is not the news that I, or anyone wanted to hear 🙁

My father had a bad stroke, but with care and therapy he had another six years. He had to be cared for somewhat so he moved into a retirement home and was able to stay there for five years before dementia meant he needed to be in a care home.

I’m not saying he was the same as before the stroke, but he was happy, and retained most of his personality and memories. Reading NH’s news about SB brought all the memories of that time back.

I know I haven’t been a regular here for very long, but it feels like a family here (The good kind) and having this happen to Candice hits hard. Just make sure you look both ways before crossing one way streets from now on Nighthawk!!!

Here’s hoping that with the right medication and care StelBel can recover most, if not all, of her faculties, and get back to as near ‘normal’ as possible.

Crap 🙁

11 months ago

I was traveling yesterday when I read the first news on my phone, not signed in to make comments. Devastating.

This morning I’ve been able to read more.

While it doesn’t look good for our dear StelBel, it’s early and there’s always a chance and the hope for recovery. Prayers and good thoughts are all we can do at the moment. Mine are being added as I write.

Apparently, I’m incognito on my laptop too.

Last edited 11 months ago by dorothea
11 months ago

I’m so sorry about Stel, I hope things can improve for her. Life can be so unfair for some. My heart goes out to her and her family and everyone here.

Mary Barclay
Mary Barclay
11 months ago

This is hard to hear. Will pray for a miracle.

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