I would think the best way to capture the grandeur of these ‘desert giants’ would be to apply thick layers of oil paint applied with a trowel-like tool known
as a palette knife. A two-dimensional photo doesn’t do it enough justice. the only true way to appreciate it is to stand in front of it.
Since there apparently aren’t any mountains by this name, he probably coined the term
He’s only vaguely on my radar, cos I don’t see a lot of films, and especially not the light romantic comedies he’s best known for, though he’s done other kinds of movies too.
In fact, while I could say his name, and I was correct in my identification, I had to Google him to make sure, and also to get the correct spelling of it …
I leave it to you to judge the veracity (all the sunlight angles seem a bit “off” to me) of this LINK. Even if you accept it Nellie is now three years older.
High window and sun position directly across from the photographer. There’s an edge of something on the counter that’s encroaching into the far edge of the sunspot. Nellie’s shadow on the floor and reflection in the cupboard doors, including the board edge adjacent to her nose look correct to me. If it is photoshopped, then someone has gone to a lot of effort.
Our Old Boy loves to lie in the sun :: at least he doesn’t have to compete as much as those in the video above with our other two overlords! The sun warms his bones; his time, sadly, is winding down, but for now…
Today’s Songs:
‘Spill The Wine,’ ‘Spinning Wheel,’ ‘Stairway to Heaven,’ and ‘Spirit in the Sky,’ and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe ‘Blueberry Banana Loaf.’
Jimi Hendrix’ last gig was with ‘War’ on the night he died.
At 14, David Clayton-Thomas was on the streets of Toronto.
Another song people like to make fun of, but it is very well written and sung (by Wikepedia, ‘Duran Duran’ members cried at the side of the stage when it was performed at ‘Live Aid’ in 1985 / Phil Collins and Tony Thompson were co-drummers).
In an interview I heard on C.B.C. radio: They being of the Jewish faith, his grandmother did not like the lyric ‘You’ve got a friend in Jesus’.
The picture is a link to the Mazola, Canada cookie recipe “Sea Salt Chocolate Chunk Ghost Cookies”.
You don’t have to make them as “ghosts”, you can make them any time just for the taste.
The Mayo Cliic logo leads to its article on sea salt versus table salt.
I agree the list should probably include a line about “marshmallows as necessary” or something similar, but the last part of the recipe headed “CREATING THE GHOST TOPPER:” tells the cook they’re needed (remember one cook’s large cookie is another cook’s small cookie so the number of cookies, and thus marshmallows, will vary).
I think no one in California, and maybe hardly any in the US, will accept home made treats.
If they’re little, and unknowingly bring them home, the parents will vet the haul, and toss them.
Even whole apples, or home packaged candy, like M&MS in cute cello bags, not commercially bagged and sealed, gets thrown away.
It’s all because of stories from 40 years ago, of razor blades hidden in Halloween apples or popcorn balls, and needles or drugs in cupcakes and cookies.
No credible evidence of this stuff has ever been found, but people still believe it happened.
Some police departments even have stations set up that night or the next day to x-ray kids’ Halloween candy.
In fact schools don’t allow home made treats for the class, either. Mothers used to bake cupcakes for birthdays; now they have to buy them.
I’m sorry, but some people’s obsession with things like sea salt cracks me up.
Sea salt instead of regular salt, honey or brown sugar instead of white sugar… even “super foods” like kale…
Especially if they’re more expensive, or you don’t enjoy them.
Yeah, they have traces of minerals, or some extra vitamins.
But so does an extra quarter cup of broccoli, or green beans, or something else you enjoy…
And you need less sugar anyway, even if it’s honey.
You’re not supposed to have more than a teaspoon of salt a day, about 2300 mg, including what’s in any canned or processed food you eat, which for most people means they shouldn’t even have ANY table salt.
How much of these minerals, already just a trace, are you getting anyway? Eating extra salt just for that is not a good idea.
Just eat lots of vegetables and fruit (not so much fruit if you’re diabetic) that you do like, and if you don’t, learn to like it…. It’s easier to love green beans than kale.
And eat less salt and sugar. There’s not that much in any form of them that outweighs the bad.
I like quinoa, but at $5+ a pound, I’ll just have extra veg with my rice instead.
I do eat whole wheat bread, and sometimes brown rice…
But I won’t die if I get some white rice or have a sandwich on sourdough. I eat a LOT of produce.
The funniest one to me is probably people paying extra for brown eggs, just because brown wheat and rice are healthier.
You don’t eat eggshells, which don’t contain vitamins anyway, and the eggs inside are exactly the same.
I agree with everything you said above (don’t faint).
What has amused me in the last couple of years is the fanciful idea that “plant based” foods are healthier. They’re healthy yes, but healthier?.
Ultimately any food you ingest is either a plant or plant based.
Carnivores and omnivores eat herbivores.
Never under rate the importance of “joy” to a healthy life. I’ll work out if I must but I WILL eat my sweets, and I WILL eat my salty snacks (pickles, now there’s a vegetable I can love).
Rolls, XKE, Beetle, Roadster, Lead Sled, Flairbird, Citroen, Nine Eleven, Avanti, Vette, Morgan, and Benz.
I’ll leave you to look up the nicknames in the list.
They’re by the artist, Shag, and were drawn for “Goin’ Places / Toy Release and Art Exhibit …” from December 7, 2012 to January 6, 2013.
thanks. This was new for Halloween last year. I took an existing image and simply added the movement that you see.—I have a new halloween animation for this year and I’ll run it tomorrow….I had to make do without Stel’s help.–there isn’t any plot or punchline, just halloweenish, introducing a new basset-related character.
Hot on the trail of some ne’er-do-well.
Needs more pumpkin.
And cowbell.
Gordon’s house
you know.
GORDON.–he’s the guy that lives in a house that looks like this.
I think he likes orange
GORDon’s house? 😀
If that’s not it, it’s a good one anyway.
Is that true, Strega?
Is he a little punk in some way?
Yes, Gourd•on
As I feel about so much art of this genre…
Well done but not welcome.
By Tuesday, I can start opening my eyes again.
Actually that’s El Dia de los Muertos… a lot of my neighbors are Mexican, and may have parties and decorations.
But somehow that stuff isn’t scary to me.
Those are happy skeletons, with colorful costumes and lots of bright paper flowers.
This message is for Happy(3). The Ballard Street for Oct. 29, 2023 was clearly drawn with you in mind. https://www.gocomics.com/ballardstreet/2023/10/29?ct=v&cti=1208883
I saw that! 😀
Holy hand grenade!
“DESERT GIANTS, UTAH” By: Franz Bischoff (I’ve looked, and can find no mountains in Utah that go with the title.)
I would think the best way to capture the grandeur of these ‘desert giants’ would be to apply thick layers of oil paint applied with a trowel-like tool known
as a palette knife. A two-dimensional photo doesn’t do it enough justice. the only true way to appreciate it is to stand in front of it.
Since there apparently aren’t any mountains by this name, he probably coined the term
“ Moo-ving In” By: Ethan Harper
On the COWch.
Boo! 😀
I’m gonna take a couple of guesses. We’ll see if either of them is right.
So wrong.
As usual….
Me too. Can’t recognize either picture.
Recognized the adult, but not the youth.
He’s only vaguely on my radar, cos I don’t see a lot of films, and especially not the light romantic comedies he’s best known for, though he’s done other kinds of movies too.
In fact, while I could say his name, and I was correct in my identification, I had to Google him to make sure, and also to get the correct spelling of it …
yay! i was right!
Did you get it from the young picture?!
nope, the older picture.
I leave it to you to judge the veracity (all the sunlight angles seem a bit “off” to me) of this LINK. Even if you accept it Nellie is now three years older.
High window and sun position directly across from the photographer. There’s an edge of something on the counter that’s encroaching into the far edge of the sunspot. Nellie’s shadow on the floor and reflection in the cupboard doors, including the board edge adjacent to her nose look correct to me. If it is photoshopped, then someone has gone to a lot of effort.
Looks fine to me, too.
Especially with that reflection on the shiny surface behind…
I’m thinking that might be the fridge. The left door is very slightly ajar… I want somebody to close it!
Our Old Boy loves to lie in the sun :: at least he doesn’t have to compete as much as those in the video above with our other two overlords! The sun warms his bones; his time, sadly, is winding down, but for now…
Our mistress is over 16 now – fit as a a fiddle; resting at my feet right now.
Never mind the bright lights from the construction site since 4 pm…
Grapevine is a great tune. Not one you would ordinarily associate with John Fogerty, but he does a credible job with it.
It was the first version that i got to know when was just noticing rock.
You missed Marvin Gaye?
He was #2.
He does a surprisingly close imitation of the original.
But for eleven minutes?
I didn’t listen all the way through… my poor weak internet stops and buffers too much.
What does he do for the last 6 minutes?
Maybe install yt-dlp and sic it on the files of your choice…
I’m on a tablet and a phone.
You poor, poor thing.
‘Spill The Wine,’ ‘Spinning Wheel,’ ‘Stairway to Heaven,’ and ‘Spirit in the Sky,’ and the ‘Cheap Thrills Cuisine’ recipe ‘Blueberry Banana Loaf.’
Jimi Hendrix’ last gig was with ‘War’ on the night he died.
At 14, David Clayton-Thomas was on the streets of Toronto.
Another song people like to make fun of, but it is very well written and sung (by Wikepedia, ‘Duran Duran’ members cried at the side of the stage when it was performed at ‘Live Aid’ in 1985 / Phil Collins and Tony Thompson were co-drummers).
In an interview I heard on C.B.C. radio: They being of the Jewish faith, his grandmother did not like the lyric ‘You’ve got a friend in Jesus’.
The picture is a link to the Mazola, Canada cookie recipe “Sea Salt Chocolate Chunk Ghost Cookies”.
You don’t have to make them as “ghosts”, you can make them any time just for the taste.
The Mayo Cliic logo leads to its article on sea salt versus table salt.
The ingredients’ list misses the marshmallows.
I agree the list should probably include a line about “marshmallows as necessary” or something similar, but the last part of the recipe headed “CREATING THE GHOST TOPPER:” tells the cook they’re needed (remember one cook’s large cookie is another cook’s small cookie so the number of cookies, and thus marshmallows, will vary).
Lol…. but you can’t wait to go to the store until after baking and counting them, and then buy just 27 or 34 marshmallows.
They don’t even come in different size bags.
I think I’d just put “one bag of regular size marshmallows” on the list.
Let the extras fall where they may.
Maybe into my hot chocolate.
I considered to make those for the few trick ‘r’ treaters around here, but marshmallows aren’t in my pantry.
I think no one in California, and maybe hardly any in the US, will accept home made treats.
If they’re little, and unknowingly bring them home, the parents will vet the haul, and toss them.
Even whole apples, or home packaged candy, like M&MS in cute cello bags, not commercially bagged and sealed, gets thrown away.
It’s all because of stories from 40 years ago, of razor blades hidden in Halloween apples or popcorn balls, and needles or drugs in cupcakes and cookies.
No credible evidence of this stuff has ever been found, but people still believe it happened.
Some police departments even have stations set up that night or the next day to x-ray kids’ Halloween candy.
In fact schools don’t allow home made treats for the class, either. Mothers used to bake cupcakes for birthdays; now they have to buy them.
The few we have are close neighbors.
But since I’m sick today anyway I’ll go for some gigantic individually prepacked candy.
I’m sorry, but some people’s obsession with things like sea salt cracks me up.
Sea salt instead of regular salt, honey or brown sugar instead of white sugar… even “super foods” like kale…
Especially if they’re more expensive, or you don’t enjoy them.
Yeah, they have traces of minerals, or some extra vitamins.
But so does an extra quarter cup of broccoli, or green beans, or something else you enjoy…
And you need less sugar anyway, even if it’s honey.
You’re not supposed to have more than a teaspoon of salt a day, about 2300 mg, including what’s in any canned or processed food you eat, which for most people means they shouldn’t even have ANY table salt.
How much of these minerals, already just a trace, are you getting anyway? Eating extra salt just for that is not a good idea.
Just eat lots of vegetables and fruit (not so much fruit if you’re diabetic) that you do like, and if you don’t, learn to like it…. It’s easier to love green beans than kale.
And eat less salt and sugar. There’s not that much in any form of them that outweighs the bad.
I like quinoa, but at $5+ a pound, I’ll just have extra veg with my rice instead.
I do eat whole wheat bread, and sometimes brown rice…
But I won’t die if I get some white rice or have a sandwich on sourdough. I eat a LOT of produce.
The funniest one to me is probably people paying extra for brown eggs, just because brown wheat and rice are healthier.
You don’t eat eggshells, which don’t contain vitamins anyway, and the eggs inside are exactly the same.
I agree with everything you said above (don’t faint).
What has amused me in the last couple of years is the fanciful idea that “plant based” foods are healthier. They’re healthy yes, but healthier?.
Ultimately any food you ingest is either a plant or plant based.
Carnivores and omnivores eat herbivores.
A necessary nutrient.
Thank you Montana Lady, that needed to be said.
Never under rate the importance of “joy” to a healthy life. I’ll work out if I must but I WILL eat my sweets, and I WILL eat my salty snacks (pickles, now there’s a vegetable I can love).
It’s the Great Animation Clio Brown!
Top to bottom we have:
Rolls, XKE, Beetle, Roadster, Lead Sled, Flairbird, Citroen, Nine Eleven, Avanti, Vette, Morgan, and Benz.
I’ll leave you to look up the nicknames in the list.
They’re by the artist, Shag, and were drawn for “Goin’ Places / Toy Release and Art Exhibit …” from December 7, 2012 to January 6, 2013.
4 and 5 I didn’t recognize
Question for Montana Lady….
Since skulls have holes where the nose was..
Do skeletons have noses?
If it’s this bad today, what will tomorrow bring?
So I can properly express my admiration …
How much of this is your work, Nighthawks?
Did you do the animation?
Really nice job, if you did.
I mean, I think so.
Peeking around the edge of my tablet for 17 seconds.
I should at least get some chocolate for my bravery.
Trick or treat!!!
thanks. This was new for Halloween last year. I took an existing image and simply added the movement that you see.—I have a new halloween animation for this year and I’ll run it tomorrow….I had to make do without Stel’s help.–there isn’t any plot or punchline, just halloweenish, introducing a new basset-related character.
COUNT BARKULA!
Just for a small win…
Did anybody else recognize the woman playing the mannequin in the Starship video?
I suppose it reflects my television viewing, when I still had a TV (till 2008).
I saw the show I know her from in reruns from the 90s.
Ok, only me?
her name and face weren’t familiar to me….
since her main claim to fame is ‘sex and the city’, that’s why
me, too
It was a funny show.
never saw it.
I recognized her, though I can’t say how. I never saw S&TC.
BTW… I finally got a negative Covid test today!
It means I’m out of quarantine! Yay!
It took two weeks, not 5 days.
I’m only saying this to reassure those of you who are afraid of it… NOT that I recommend getting it, or even being careless.
It wasn’t fun, but AFAIK it wasn’t life threatening.
I’ll continue to mask, and update my vaccinations, because I think all that very much helped a case at my age and medical condition be mild…
As, of course, did being lucky enough to get Paxlovid.
Three years ago it would have been much more serious, maybe even deadly.
Now I’m released from isolation!
I feel free… I can do things as exciting as go to the supermarket!
Good news! !
Don’t forget the marshmallows. ☠️ ☠️
it’s from all that chocolate!
Congranulations. Party at your house?
Probably behind the couch until the scary movies are over.
Very happy for your recovery, Susan!
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